Some say that the youth and children are the future of the church. At Foothills, they are the Church right now! Foothills values our younger generations as an important, irreplaceable voice and presence. Our youth group is new, and we are excited to bring a vital, growing ministry to the table at Foothills. There is a place for all youth and children to discover their gifts, talents, treasures, and the Spirit through the study of Jesus Christ.
Youth & CHildren
Our nusery
Children are always welcome in worship, but we do have professional childcare available. If you are joining us for the first time, a greeter will direct you to the nursery. The nursery is located in the administration building. Our nursery is professionally staffed with two childcare attendants. Our nursery is available on Sundays during worship and during other programs as needed.
Kingdom kids & worship and Wonder
During worship we offer two spiritual development opportunities for younger children. Following the "children's moment" in our worship service children are invited to Children's Worship and Wonder (4 years old - 2nd grade) and Kingdom Kids (3rd-5th grade). Children's Worship and Wonder is an exciting way of approaching faith formation. In Children Worship & Wonder children have the opportunity to hear Bible stories and form responses out of their own life experiences. They learn the meaning of church traditions and participate in worship practices. Children Worship & Wonder is a Montessori influence program and is often effective with children who have attention deficit problems. (more here) Kingdom Kids is a faith formation program designed for middle to older elementary children.
Youth Group
Our Youth Group sessions combine fun and community-building with scripture-based learning and spiritual exploration. Together, youth and adults seek to live fully as the people God created us to be. Join us! CCF (3rd-5th grades) typically meets on the third Sunday of the month for a program based on "Holy Troublemakers." Chi-Rho (6th-8th grades) and CYF (9th-12th grades) meet the second and fourth Sundays of every month right after worship for an hour and half.
family playdates
During most months, families with small children are invited to gather for a playdate after worship. In the past we have met up at a local park, headed to the movie theater, and explored the nearby Adobe Train park. Check out our church calendar to find out the details for our next playdate.